Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28 - Day 87

Happy Birthday to our sweet princess Chloe!

March 27 - Day 86

Flying kites at the great salt lake...
and proof that I was there too!

March 26 - Day 85

Birthday Party for Chloe:
Fancy Birthday Tea Party

March 25 - Day 84

Too busy having fun today and working hard to prepare for a weekend of parties
to take pictures today,
but I got to review some of these lovelies from taking
Easter pictures Wednesday night.

March 24 - Day 83

Spent the afternoon picnicing in the park and feeding the ducks.
I love everything about this picture:
the bread flying through the air, the fingers spread out from the toss,
Seth hovering over Brynn to make sure she doesn't fall jump in the water
each time she runs toward the swimming ducks,
Morgan jumping up and down with excitement when the ducks get his bread,
the beautiful sunshine and the lovely blue water...
everything except the motion blur. oh well, love it anyway!

March 23 - Day 82

Didn't you know that sticking your tounge out makes the car on the screen turn better?

March 22 - Day 81

We are enjoying Spring Break (for Seth) this week...
spending time together, playing together, working together and giggling a lot!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21 - Day 80

Two things making me happy today:
sick at home sweetie and the Ensign magazine

March 20 - Day 79

These kids could not wait to get outside to play today...
Pantless Peter Pan and a dog.

March 19 - Day 78

Nothing like some pink daisies in a polka dot pitcher to brighten your day!

March 18 - Day 77

New dresses and sweet sweet girls!

March 17 - Day 76

The thing about doggies is that they want to give you loves and kisses...
even if you are having a bad hair day!
(She is laughing here...not crying...just to clarify!)

March 16 - Day 75

Growing out the bangs...
Mom needs to learn how to do hair without bangs, but still cute!

March 15 - Day 74

For Family Home Evening we roasted hot dogs and smore's over the firepit in the backyard.
It was an untterly perfect day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14 - Day 73

Kids are sleeping, blogs are updated, house is relatively clean
and we are ready for a fresh start on a new week.

March 13 - Day 72

If you give a girl some strawberries with whipping cream...

chances are she is going to end up like this.
The End.

March 12 - Day 71

Beautiful day for lunch at the park.

March 11 - Day 70

3 kids took naps simultaneously so we spent the evening at the "fun" library.

March 10 - Day 69

We have been having some power struggles
and exertion of independence with this little man lately,
but ya know what...he totally rocks!
That deep in your gut laugh is amazing!

March 9 - Day 68

Blue sky this morning led to an adventure at the Great Salt Lake...just girls!

March 8 - Day 67

Well, today was a good day.
Plus, Chloe got her brand new big girl seat!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7 - Day 66

After taking more than 500 pictures of this sweet baby (and my own sweet babies) yesterday,
Sunday was, once again, a "day of rest" for the camera.

March 6- Day 65

Can you tell this little boy has 2 sisters?
He plays a lot of dress ups, and "house" and has to be the prince more than he would like.
He is a very good big brother.
He knows how to take good care of the girls in his life
and with the example he has to follow by watching his dad,
I know he is going to take good care of his own little girls one day.

March 5 - Day 64

A Moment frozen in time from Morgan's point of view.
The sweet pictures I find on "Morgan's camera" melt my heart.
It is a wonderful thing to see the world through a child's eyes.

March 4 - Day 63

Big Piggies...
Little piggies...


March 3 - Day 62

Since artwork comes home in mass quanities from preschool,
and we don't have mass quantities of space to keep it all,
I take pictures of Morgan holding each item he brings home,
and we only save our favorites.
We had been saving up a pile for more than a month,
so today we finally got pictures taken and purged the pile.
This one was a keeper though.

March 2 - Day 61

5:32 on a Tuesday afternoon and 3 little faces are watching for Daddy.

March 1 - Day 60

Well, another sick day today so no pictures.
Here's another darling one from yesterday to fill the void.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 28 - Day 59

Home from church with croup...
So we headed out on a Sunday drive...
with a stop for pictures with lollipops at a train station, of course!
Why, what do you do when you stay home sick from church?

February 27 - Day 58

Another "lazy mom" dinner (little caesar's pizza) and another cute outfit.

February 26 - Day 57

just lovely weather we had to take advantage!

February 25 - Day 56

February 24 - Day 55


February 23 - Day 54

Some outfits are just too cute not to remember!